Six years ago I was preparing to launch my first book. A year ago, against all odds and in the midst of some major illness and loss for me and my family, I closed on my dream property. Today I'm getting ready to launch my retreat center and prepare for an Open House to be held on June 22 and 23rd. As I look back over the years, the one thing that stands out the most and that I feel really good about is the amount of fear I've overcome.
Fear is a funny thing. It can be powerful enough to paralyze. It can simply be a bump in the road to be walked around. Or it can be anywhere in between. One thing for sure is that fear is a part of life. Fear kept me stuck for a long time. Today it shows up in places and in ways that take me by surprise and even make me laugh out loud sometimes ... but today I acknowledge it for what it is. I actually invite it in and examine it. I notice the energy of it. I reflect upon it. I look at what it is trying to tell me. I put it into perspective and then I let it go and simply take the next right step towards my goal.
Feel the fear. Take action anyway. Just keep taking the next right step. Those are my mantras. That is the power of the work I've been studying for the past nine years and the foundation I use to teach, train and coach people today.
To be honest, I can feel fear creeping in right now as I prepare for the next steps towards launching my new venture. The "what if's" are just fear in disguise. I keep acknowledging them but put them aside with a knowing smile as I take the next right step along this amazing but sometimes scary journey. I am way outside my comfort zone and I'm in the place where the magic happens. And the magic is what makes it all worth it for me.
For me, taking big steps towards the edge of my comfort zone seems to bring my fears to the surface. It's almost as if my fear is asking me if I am really sure I want to put myself out there and really go for it instead of staying comfortable in what I already know. But every time I step outside my comfort zone, magical things happen. Every. Single. Time.
Six years ago I submitted my manuscript, Match Meets the Metaphysical, to the publisher. I can still remember the paralyzing fear I felt as that little arrow on my screen hovered over the send button. The manuscript was done. The final edit was complete. The cover was done. It was ready to publish. And I was afraid. I couldn't find it within myself to hit send. A month had passed since it was ready. I made several attempts to hit send. But the cursor hovered over the button and I was paralyzed with fear. I shared this with my Mastermind Group. They talked me out of my fear and reminded me that my story was powerful. That it would have impact. They offered their support, talked me through my fear and held me accountable. They asked me to hang up the phone, sign onto my computer, log in to the publisher's site, send the manuscript and call back in to the Mastermind call to report that I had done it. I did just what they asked me to do. And I clicked "send". I felt an amazing rush of energy surge through me. I called back in to the group and thanked them. I put a part of my story out into the world. The book became a bestseller. And it changed my life forever.
A year ago I signed mortgage papers the property that is now Ripple on Silver Lake. As I paid my first invoice to the contractor who was helping me turn my barn into a training room, I felt immense fear. Damn those old beliefs around money, but I took the next right step anyway.
A leaky pipe, a washing machine issue, a heating problem in the barn all showed up over the next couple of days, almost as if to test my resolve and make sure I was up for the challenge. My contractor was there with the right tool at the right time to adjust the leaky pipe before any water damage happened. A quick trip to the hardware store for a $10 replacement hose fixed the washing machine! The next morning the yoga instructor texted me to tell me the heater in the barn wasn't working. I panicked again as I texted my brother (my contractor) about the heater issue, totally projecting in my head about a major heating issue and replacement costs. His response: "It's unplugged. I unplugged it yesterday while I was doing the renovation.Look down to the right of the unit and just plug it in." Too funny.
Perhaps the Universe was testing me once again just to be sure I was up for this new challenge? Or perhaps my fear was showing me how to simply skip the panic, use my resources, engage my sense of humor and show me that developing the ability to laugh at myself would serve me well along this journey.
My first project major and ongoing project is finally complete. The barn still has its character but is much brighter and more functional now. It's amazing what a bit of paint, new lighting, a bit of reorganizing and one more window will do. It's now a wonderful space for meetings, classes, workshops, discussion groups, and social gatherings. Sometimes I head to the barn and its adjoining deck to enjoy a cup of tea over sunset. Click here to learn more about the barn here!
It is amazing how easy things are when you approach them with a sense of humor and a sense of trusting that everything happens for a reason. And that the reason for the fear is more than likely to serve the learning and growing process!
The next big project was setting up a rooms for summer and fall foliage guests. What appeared to be a leaky roof in the Lake Room chimney ended up being a simple fix done by a young man who refused to take money because he wanted to somehow pay me back for what I did for him when he was a teenager. I would have paid him whatever he asked for as I watched him climbing way up on my really high rool! Instead, I allowed the magic to flow. Check out the Lake Room if you or anyone you know is looking for a beautiful home for a mountain getaway.
The Open House will offer people the opportunity to wander through the house and around the property as they consider possibilities of the venue for their out of town guests, professional meetings or training workshops. Free classes and demonstrations of what we currently offer will be offered and information about upcoming events will be available.
A free yoga class will be held from 8:30-10:00am. Dave will follow with a demonstration of a Muscle Activating Technique, a powerful therapeutic modality that is used to enhance mobility and range of motion, Julie of Silver Lake Massage will demonstrate her Zero Balance Technique as well as offer mini massage sessions and Mikayla and Trish will demonstrate some simple yet effective heart centered tools to increase connection, raise your vibration, decrease stress and deal with difficult situations.
Refreshments will be served throughout the day and the decks and porch will be open for relaxing, connecting and simply enjoying the view overlooking Mount Chocorua and Forrest Brook on Silver Lake.
And, of course, we're always open to ideas about how we can build the Ripple community and serve the larger community! I envision a thriving community gathering together in this beautiful space for the purpose of connection, learning, growing and magical transformation that expands like a Ripple as we each move out into the world doing what we do.
Fear is a funny thing. It can be powerful enough to paralyze. It can simply be a bump in the road to be walked around. Or it can be anywhere in between. One thing for sure is that fear is a part of life. Fear kept me stuck for a long time. Today it shows up in places and in ways that take me by surprise and even make me laugh out loud sometimes ... but today I acknowledge it for what it is. I actually invite it in and examine it. I notice the energy of it. I reflect upon it. I look at what it is trying to tell me. I put it into perspective and then I let it go and simply take the next right step towards my goal.
Feel the fear. Take action anyway. Just keep taking the next right step. Those are my mantras. That is the power of the work I've been studying for the past nine years and the foundation I use to teach, train and coach people today.
To be honest, I can feel fear creeping in right now as I prepare for the next steps towards launching my new venture. The "what if's" are just fear in disguise. I keep acknowledging them but put them aside with a knowing smile as I take the next right step along this amazing but sometimes scary journey. I am way outside my comfort zone and I'm in the place where the magic happens. And the magic is what makes it all worth it for me.
For me, taking big steps towards the edge of my comfort zone seems to bring my fears to the surface. It's almost as if my fear is asking me if I am really sure I want to put myself out there and really go for it instead of staying comfortable in what I already know. But every time I step outside my comfort zone, magical things happen. Every. Single. Time.
Six years ago I submitted my manuscript, Match Meets the Metaphysical, to the publisher. I can still remember the paralyzing fear I felt as that little arrow on my screen hovered over the send button. The manuscript was done. The final edit was complete. The cover was done. It was ready to publish. And I was afraid. I couldn't find it within myself to hit send. A month had passed since it was ready. I made several attempts to hit send. But the cursor hovered over the button and I was paralyzed with fear. I shared this with my Mastermind Group. They talked me out of my fear and reminded me that my story was powerful. That it would have impact. They offered their support, talked me through my fear and held me accountable. They asked me to hang up the phone, sign onto my computer, log in to the publisher's site, send the manuscript and call back in to the Mastermind call to report that I had done it. I did just what they asked me to do. And I clicked "send". I felt an amazing rush of energy surge through me. I called back in to the group and thanked them. I put a part of my story out into the world. The book became a bestseller. And it changed my life forever.
A year ago I signed mortgage papers the property that is now Ripple on Silver Lake. As I paid my first invoice to the contractor who was helping me turn my barn into a training room, I felt immense fear. Damn those old beliefs around money, but I took the next right step anyway.
A leaky pipe, a washing machine issue, a heating problem in the barn all showed up over the next couple of days, almost as if to test my resolve and make sure I was up for the challenge. My contractor was there with the right tool at the right time to adjust the leaky pipe before any water damage happened. A quick trip to the hardware store for a $10 replacement hose fixed the washing machine! The next morning the yoga instructor texted me to tell me the heater in the barn wasn't working. I panicked again as I texted my brother (my contractor) about the heater issue, totally projecting in my head about a major heating issue and replacement costs. His response: "It's unplugged. I unplugged it yesterday while I was doing the renovation.Look down to the right of the unit and just plug it in." Too funny.
Perhaps the Universe was testing me once again just to be sure I was up for this new challenge? Or perhaps my fear was showing me how to simply skip the panic, use my resources, engage my sense of humor and show me that developing the ability to laugh at myself would serve me well along this journey.
My first project major and ongoing project is finally complete. The barn still has its character but is much brighter and more functional now. It's amazing what a bit of paint, new lighting, a bit of reorganizing and one more window will do. It's now a wonderful space for meetings, classes, workshops, discussion groups, and social gatherings. Sometimes I head to the barn and its adjoining deck to enjoy a cup of tea over sunset. Click here to learn more about the barn here!
It is amazing how easy things are when you approach them with a sense of humor and a sense of trusting that everything happens for a reason. And that the reason for the fear is more than likely to serve the learning and growing process!
The next big project was setting up a rooms for summer and fall foliage guests. What appeared to be a leaky roof in the Lake Room chimney ended up being a simple fix done by a young man who refused to take money because he wanted to somehow pay me back for what I did for him when he was a teenager. I would have paid him whatever he asked for as I watched him climbing way up on my really high rool! Instead, I allowed the magic to flow. Check out the Lake Room if you or anyone you know is looking for a beautiful home for a mountain getaway.
The Open House will offer people the opportunity to wander through the house and around the property as they consider possibilities of the venue for their out of town guests, professional meetings or training workshops. Free classes and demonstrations of what we currently offer will be offered and information about upcoming events will be available.
A free yoga class will be held from 8:30-10:00am. Dave will follow with a demonstration of a Muscle Activating Technique, a powerful therapeutic modality that is used to enhance mobility and range of motion, Julie of Silver Lake Massage will demonstrate her Zero Balance Technique as well as offer mini massage sessions and Mikayla and Trish will demonstrate some simple yet effective heart centered tools to increase connection, raise your vibration, decrease stress and deal with difficult situations.
Refreshments will be served throughout the day and the decks and porch will be open for relaxing, connecting and simply enjoying the view overlooking Mount Chocorua and Forrest Brook on Silver Lake.
And, of course, we're always open to ideas about how we can build the Ripple community and serve the larger community! I envision a thriving community gathering together in this beautiful space for the purpose of connection, learning, growing and magical transformation that expands like a Ripple as we each move out into the world doing what we do.