Yesterday I was on a live Zoom call with Jack Canfield, the Chicken Soup for the Soul guy, exploring a new process I’m learning about using essential oils to enhance emotional clearing and healing. For those of you who have never worked with Jack, trust me ... he is a master facilitator and any time spent with him is jam packed with value. I've been studying with Jack for 10 years and I am always amazed at how time spent with him clears blocks, reframes my beliefs about myself and propels me forward towards my next right steps.
Jack led me and 500 other people through a simple process that took about 30 minutes with the goal of releasing some limiting beliefs or emotional blocks.
I didn’t have anything in particular I wanted to work on, so I was open to whatever showed up. How funny that the minute I closed my eyes, my subconscious mind brought forth an image that was about to help me gain some understanding around a relationship theme I’ve been struggling with lately.
So, I put some Valor essential oil blend in my palms for courage and dove in!
With my eyes closed I did a body scan as Jack guided me through the process. I could feel a sharp pain in my right chest. It felt like a dagger. It was pointing left and went straight into the side of my heart.
Jack invited me to allow an image to pop into my head. Then he had me fill in the details. I was in the 8th grade at a dance. My Mom set me up to go to the dance with her friend's son, who lived in a different town and went to a different school than I did. I work with teens and was immediately immersed into the dance experience. Wow. I remembered the dress, the corsage, the chaos happening all around me. Kids were running around everywhere. And I was standing in the corner, all alone. I didn’t know anyone there. My date, in typical 8th grade fashion, was running wild with his friends and had no idea how to treat me or take care of me … his date. And I didn't even think to tell him what I needed. I just stood there in the corner waiting for it to be over and to get back to familiar territory.
The truth is, that is typical 8th grade dating behavior … but what I suddenly realized was that this scene might have actually set me up for accepting the same kind of behavior from my future dates and ultimately relationship partners. Perhaps it even had something to do with me being so independent in relationships and not ever letting a man take care of me. So interesting!
Jack led me through a dialogue with my 8th grade self and my date about how I felt about the way he was treating me and how it might have set me up for future relationships. Jack invited me to turn my inner critic into my inner coach and I literally had a conversation with my present self about my relationship history and the trends I've experienced and the types of the partners I have, up until now, attracted. I tend to take care of them and expect very little in return. That is not exactly a set up for the partnership I truly desire. I am single. I take good care of myself and I have never really let any man take care of me. It's been an issue all the way through my life, in both intimate relationships as well as friendships, band I sometimes find myself out of balance with my fiercely independent nature. Sometimes doing too much. Sometimes doing very little. Always trying to find balance in a not so healthy way. So interesting.
The best part was when Jack invited my older, wiser, 85 year old self to talk with my 8th grade self and my present day self about the beliefs I had carried forward. There, in just 30 minutes, with a drop of Valor oil, a drop of Highest Potential blend and a bit of visualization, I completely reframed an old subconscious belief that seems to have started in the 8th grade and continued through my adult life up until now, into a whole new approach to relationships.
Wow! I never, ever would have connected Eddy, my one time 8th grade date, with my relationships. And who knows if he actually did have that much impact. But my subconscious mind used that image, when I allowed it to by doing Jack’s process, to gain powerful insight and cause a profound shift in me and the way I show up in relationships and even where I struggle in some of my friendships.
I released that feeling last night, feel a whole lot lighter and am curious to see how this shift plays out in my present life.
Jack led me through this experience in just 30 minutes. Imagine what can happen in 30 days!
If you are struggling, as many of us are with all that is happening in the world, why not join us for the 30 Emotional Reset Experience? Jack Canfield and top industry experts will be working with you using a combination of essential oils and proven strategies Jack uses at all of his training events.
The Experience is taking place over the month of July. The timing is perfect with all that is going on in the world right now and the emotional roller coaster many of us have been on over the past few months. There is no cost to you for the Emotional Reset Experience. The essential oil supplies (Basic Starter Kit and the Feelings Kit) can be ordered here. It will be the best $225 investment you ever made in yourself.
Once you order your supplies, I will follow up with you to get you registered for the 30 Day Experience.
Feel free to email me at [email protected] if you have any questions.
Jack led me and 500 other people through a simple process that took about 30 minutes with the goal of releasing some limiting beliefs or emotional blocks.
I didn’t have anything in particular I wanted to work on, so I was open to whatever showed up. How funny that the minute I closed my eyes, my subconscious mind brought forth an image that was about to help me gain some understanding around a relationship theme I’ve been struggling with lately.
So, I put some Valor essential oil blend in my palms for courage and dove in!
With my eyes closed I did a body scan as Jack guided me through the process. I could feel a sharp pain in my right chest. It felt like a dagger. It was pointing left and went straight into the side of my heart.
Jack invited me to allow an image to pop into my head. Then he had me fill in the details. I was in the 8th grade at a dance. My Mom set me up to go to the dance with her friend's son, who lived in a different town and went to a different school than I did. I work with teens and was immediately immersed into the dance experience. Wow. I remembered the dress, the corsage, the chaos happening all around me. Kids were running around everywhere. And I was standing in the corner, all alone. I didn’t know anyone there. My date, in typical 8th grade fashion, was running wild with his friends and had no idea how to treat me or take care of me … his date. And I didn't even think to tell him what I needed. I just stood there in the corner waiting for it to be over and to get back to familiar territory.
The truth is, that is typical 8th grade dating behavior … but what I suddenly realized was that this scene might have actually set me up for accepting the same kind of behavior from my future dates and ultimately relationship partners. Perhaps it even had something to do with me being so independent in relationships and not ever letting a man take care of me. So interesting!
Jack led me through a dialogue with my 8th grade self and my date about how I felt about the way he was treating me and how it might have set me up for future relationships. Jack invited me to turn my inner critic into my inner coach and I literally had a conversation with my present self about my relationship history and the trends I've experienced and the types of the partners I have, up until now, attracted. I tend to take care of them and expect very little in return. That is not exactly a set up for the partnership I truly desire. I am single. I take good care of myself and I have never really let any man take care of me. It's been an issue all the way through my life, in both intimate relationships as well as friendships, band I sometimes find myself out of balance with my fiercely independent nature. Sometimes doing too much. Sometimes doing very little. Always trying to find balance in a not so healthy way. So interesting.
The best part was when Jack invited my older, wiser, 85 year old self to talk with my 8th grade self and my present day self about the beliefs I had carried forward. There, in just 30 minutes, with a drop of Valor oil, a drop of Highest Potential blend and a bit of visualization, I completely reframed an old subconscious belief that seems to have started in the 8th grade and continued through my adult life up until now, into a whole new approach to relationships.
Wow! I never, ever would have connected Eddy, my one time 8th grade date, with my relationships. And who knows if he actually did have that much impact. But my subconscious mind used that image, when I allowed it to by doing Jack’s process, to gain powerful insight and cause a profound shift in me and the way I show up in relationships and even where I struggle in some of my friendships.
I released that feeling last night, feel a whole lot lighter and am curious to see how this shift plays out in my present life.
Jack led me through this experience in just 30 minutes. Imagine what can happen in 30 days!
If you are struggling, as many of us are with all that is happening in the world, why not join us for the 30 Emotional Reset Experience? Jack Canfield and top industry experts will be working with you using a combination of essential oils and proven strategies Jack uses at all of his training events.
The Experience is taking place over the month of July. The timing is perfect with all that is going on in the world right now and the emotional roller coaster many of us have been on over the past few months. There is no cost to you for the Emotional Reset Experience. The essential oil supplies (Basic Starter Kit and the Feelings Kit) can be ordered here. It will be the best $225 investment you ever made in yourself.
Once you order your supplies, I will follow up with you to get you registered for the 30 Day Experience.
Feel free to email me at [email protected] if you have any questions.